
Why To Use Facial Oil?

Thursday, January 19, 2017

This is definitely the time of the year when my skin needs that extra dose of nutrition to stay smooth. The right diet is essential but so are the right skincare products as well. Facial oils are my favourites. They are real winter skin savers!

Why to use facial oil?

Oil goes into deeper layers of skin than creams and acts as a prime carrier to deliver other active ingredients. So applying a face oil before your fave moisturizing cream it lets ingredients absorb more deeply for even better effects. That is something you can feel immediately the next morning.

I apply a couple of oil drops under my night cream. The skin absorbs the oil, but not straight away. As the oil plumps the skin up and protects from water loss the skin looks nice and smooths when I wake up. 

There are plenty of options on the market and I'm sure everyone can find there their own favourite facial oil. I have picked up my fave oils which I will introduce to you. The first one is Radiance Oil from Supermood's Youth Glo collection. 

Supermood is holistic beauty brand from Finland. The ingredients are from the pure Finnish nature. In this oil there are rose hip and lingonberry seed oil. It is said to rejuvenate and nourish the skin and that's what it does. 2 drops are enough for the whole face and 1 drop for neck. 

This Youth Glo oil has a pleasant mild fresh scent, which is a great plus. To be honest I don't why any reason why I wouldn't buy another bottle when this is finished.

(FI) Nyt on se aika vuodesta kun ainakin oma ihoni kaipaa kunnon annoksen ravinteita, jotta se pysyy pehmeänä. Oikeanlainen ruokavalio on tietysti tärkeää, mutta niin on myös oikeanlaisten ihonhoitotuotteiden valinta. Kasvoöljyt ovat mun suosikkeja. Todellisia talvi-ihn pelastajia!

Mitä varten kannattaa käyttää kasvoöljyä?

Öljy menee paljon syvemmälle ihoon kuin voide ja pystyy kuljettamaan mukanaan muita ainesosia. Näin ollen kasvoöljyn sively nassulle ennen kosteusvoidetta edesauttaa sen imeytymistä syvemmälle ja parantamaan voiten vaikutusta. Tämä on sellaista jonka huomaa kyllä välittömästi seuraavana aamuna.

Mä lisään muutaman tipan öljyä yövoiteen alle. Öljy imeytyy ihoon, tosin ei ihan välittömästi. Koska öljyllä on 'pullistava' vaikutus ja se myös suojelee kosteuden haihtumista, näyttää iho aamulla heti paremmalta ja tuntuu pehmeältä.

(FI) Kauppojen hyllyt on täynnä erilaisia kasvoöljyvaihtoehtoja, joista varmasti jokainen löytää suosikkinsa. Ajattelin esitellä tässä blogissa omat suosikkini ja aloitetaan heti kotimaisella Supermoodin Radiance Oil'lla, joka kuuluu Youth Glo -tuotesarjaan.

Supermood on siis suomalainen Anne Kukkohovin ideoima kokonaisvaltainen, holistinen kauneudenhoitosarja. Raaka-aineet ovat maamme puhtaasta luonnosta. Tässä kasvoöljyssä on käytetty ruusunmarja- sekä puolukan siemenöljyä.

Tuote pitää lupauksensa. Youth Glo -öljyn täyteläinen koostumus selvästi ravitsee ihoa. Eikä sen kanssa taritse lutrata, 2 tippaa kasvoille ja yksi kaulalle on tarpeeksi.

Plussana vielä miellyttävä mieto ja raikas tuoksu. Enpä löydä mitään syytä miksen ostaisi tätä öljyä toista pulloa kun tämä ensimmäinen tulee käytettyä loppuun.

ps. Supermood products are available at Space NK in the UK!!!!


  1. I have very sensitive skin and breaks out easily, I hope this product is excellent for hyper sensitive skin like mine.

    1. It should be good for very sensitive skin too. No redness nor uncomfortable feeling at all. It rather has a calming effect.

  2. I had never thought of using facial oil but Young Glo looks good and like you said it is good for the skin.

  3. I've never tried any facial oil before. This sounds amazing and I'm sure it works great as well. This is perfect for people with dry skin too, especially in the winter.

    1. That's right! Perfect for dry skin and especially in the winter season.

  4. I've never tried facial oil before! But glad to know that it can be used while mixing it with a night cream!

    1. Yes, that's how I use it to get the best possible result :)

  5. I love facial oil. I use one made here in Norway and it has made a huge difference.

    1. Great! I totally agree with you that face oil makes a difference in skincare.

  6. I've never used oil before, just specific moisturizers. Are these good for sensitive skin?

    1. These are very good for sensitive skin as well! No reddness nor itchy feelign at all.

  7. This is something I never used but considering a while ago! You post came just in time! :) I will look around the oil market!

  8. I have started introducing face oil in my night routine and I love it. I hate to moisturize so the oil kinda saves me :D

  9. I often use oil for my body and hair, but never the face. I've heard of oil facial cleansing but not leaving oil on. Your post motivates me to try it!! The winter here has been tough on my skin and I need some hydration/moisture.

    1. Oil is so wonderful especial during the dry and harsh season of the year.

  10. I haven't used facial oil before .. although it looks like something to try for sure. Thanks so much for introducing me to it

    1. You're welcome, Alison! Try it and you will see and feel the difference!

  11. There was a time when I was skeptical about putting oil on my oily face but after moving to all natural products, I know how efficient they are. The youth glo sounds like a great product

    1. That's right! Many people find it hard to believe that oil is good in skincare. Youth Glo is wonderful:)

  12. Such an amazing post! I love all pictures, all inspirations! Thanks for posting!

    1. Thank you so much! It makes me so happy to hear that you found my post inspiratonal:)


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