
Super Healthy Lingonberry Smoothie

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Are you familiar with lingonberry? It's that small little perennial with red semi sour berries which grows in the arctic and subarctic regions such as in Scandinavia. There are cultivated species as well, but the wild ones grow in the woods of Northern countries. Lingonberry belongs to the same family as blueberry and cranberry.

When ever possible - that's mostly when I'm in Finland or someone brings me here a package of hand-picked and frozen lingonberries, I use them in my smoothies. 

Lingonberry smoothie

1 banana
1 cup of lingonberries (or as much as you like!)
small bite of fresh ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
soya milk (or coconut or almond)

All ingredients into blender for about 10 seconds until you've got a nice smooth consistency. 

I like to put a few frozen lingonberries on the top to make it look nice and i like the taste and texture of the frozen berries.

What are the health benefits of lingonberries?

1. They're a powerful antioxidant
2. They reduce inflammation
3. They protect against urinary trackt infections
4. They help in weight loss and diabetes
5. They help to keep the teeth and gums healthy
6. They can help protecting from cancer

Btw, lingonberry is also one of the super foods!

(FI) Suomalaisissa metsissä kasvava puolukka on todellinen supermarja. Se kuuluu samaan perheeseen kuin mustikka ja karpalo. Täällä päin Eurooppaa on harvoin tarjolla puolukkaa, vaikka sitä toki voi myös kasvattaa - varmaan samalla tavalla kuin pensasmustikkaakin. 

Aina kun mahdollista, siis kun olen Suomessa tai saan tuliaisiksi pussillisen itsepoimittuja ja pakastettuja puolukoita, pyöräytän niistä smoothien.


1 banaani
1 kupillinen puolukoita (tai niin paljon kuin haluat!)
pieni pala tuoretta inkivääriä
1/2 tl jauhettua kanelia
1/2 tl jauhettua kurkumaa
soijamaitoa (tai kookos- tai mantelimaitoa)

Kaikki ainekset tehosekoittimeen noin 10 s kunnes koostumus on tarpeeksi tasaista.

Tykkään laittaa pinnalle muutaman pakastemarjan koristeeksi ja sitä paitsi pakastettu puolukka sellaisenaan on niin herkullinen.

Mitkä ovat puolukan terveysvaikutukset?

1. Tämä marja on tehokas antioksidantti
2. Sillä on tulehduksia vähentävä vaikutus
3. Se suojaa virtsatientulehduksilta
4. Se toimii apuna painonhallinnassa ja diabeteksessä
5. Se auttaa pitämään hampaat ja ikenet terveinä
6. Se voi auttaa suojelemaan syövältä

Todellinen super food siis!



  1. I'll be honest, no. I've never heard of lingonberry! Having said that, I;ve cut out pretty much any fruit for the time beign other than superfood berries so would definitely love to try this smoothie!

    1. It's no wonder you haven't heard of it! It's not that widely spread and I guess not so easy to find outside the Nordic countries.

  2. I love ligonberry but I have never tried a smoothie version. I bet it would taste incredible x

    1. Oh yes, it does! Lingonberry and banana makes such a great combo.

  3. This looks amazing. Thank-you for introducing me to ligonberries .. I'll keep an eye out for them.

  4. They're really not very common! I love that you add them to your smoothies because like you mentioned, they have a lot of health benefits. This is a lovely smoothie recipe!

    1. Thank you! You're right lingonberries are not that common. But if you ever see them at a store just try them:)

  5. Ohhh.... I will definitely have to make this next summer! I don't like frozen berries but next summer when we go to pick berries I will make it with fresh berries. Here in Norway we call them tyttebær and they are all over in the forest during the summer! They are so good!

    1. Oh yes, we have the same - the forests are full of them :)

  6. I've never tried to combine turmeric and berries as a smoothie, but sounds like a great idea. I like to have a slice of bread with lingoberry jam, but I think I would like to try this recipe of yours.

  7. Wow that looks really good. I don't know what that berry is but it looks delicious!

    1. :D you're not hte only one who doesn't know about this little red berry. t makes such a fabulous combo with banana.

  8. I tried lingonberry once by an accident. I bought a mixed red fruit package and I only saw strawberries and cherries on the box, but when I started preparing it I saw them! They tasted really nice and I am so happy I now know the recipe for healthy lingonberry smoothie!
    BS, xx

    1. Great! All red berries are fantastic. Lingonberry is not so often combine with the otehr ones. It's great that you found that mix.

  9. I dont think I've ever tried lingonberry before. However that smoothie and the health benefits are definitely a selling point to having some. Yum!

    1. Yes, you're right! The health benefits give it that extra touch.

  10. I have only tried lingonberry in jams, when I hosted a Couchsurfer from Finland and she brought me a jar. I remember it was delicious. I can imagine that the smoothie must be really yummy as well.

    1. Lingonberry jam is quite often used to combine with meatballs.

  11. Berries are amazing! They can even make you smarter, so I've heard!

  12. Honestly I never heard lingonberry before. I love berry smoothies in general. I love cinnamon mix in smoothies too. I am sure this would taste wonderful

  13. I forgot all about lingonberries until I visited Stockholm six months ago. If I could find them in the states, I will try to make your smoothie!


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