
Let Your Brain Rest

Saturday, May 20, 2017

yyterin dyynit

(FI) Aina ei voi olla sata lasissa. Uupumus iskee joskus myös täydellisyyttä tavoittelevaan supersuorittajaankin. Välillä täytyy vaan pysähtyä, nauttia hetkestä miettimättä liikoja ja antaa aivojen levätä. Mikäpä olisi parempi paikka rentoutua kuin upea hiekkaranta! 

Jos et pääse merenrannalla juuri nyt, toivottavasti nämä keväiset kuvat Porin Yyteristä toimivat inspiroivina ja vievät sinut hetkeksi pois kiireisestä arjesta.


...and same in English!

There's a time to take a break. We all feel exhausted time to time even the superhumans whose goal is to reach perfection. Sometimes you just need to stop, enjoy the moment without thinking too much and let your brains to rest. What would be a better place for relaxing than a gorgeous dndy beach!

If you cannot go to beach right now, hopefully these pics below help taking you from your hectic life to somewhere else for a little moment. 

yyterin dyynit

yyterin hiekkaranta

yyterin hiekkadyynit

sandy dunes

4 tapaa lepuuttaa aivoja

Sulje silmäsi
Heittäydy haaveilemaan
Pidä breikki
Nuku tarpeeksi


4 ways to rest your brain

Close your eyes
Indulge in daydreams
Take a break
Get enough sleep

sandy dunes

Niin hiljaista & rauhallista.


So quiet & peaceful.


  1. I agree we all need time to find a break but it is something that I struggle with. We need rest to function though so it is important that we have a rest x

    1. It's so difficult for me too to let myself rest. maybe it's this time that we all think we need to be so productive all the time.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is important with all the rushing around that we do we also allow time to take a break and do other things. I wish I was near a beach now I could do with relaxing a little.

    1. Walking along a beach is so relaxing. I don't know why it's so hard to allow a little break for ourselves. Most of us really need it.

  4. I grew up living near the beach. It has been a year since i have seen the ocean and smelled the salty air since I live 6 hours inland. Love your beautiful photos.

    1. Thnak you fo mentioning my photos! I have the same "problem' not living by the sea any more.

  5. Taking a break is so important it totally rejuvenates you, gives you a fresh perspective of things and makes life more pleasant.

    1. You said it! Weneed to start allowing a little break for ourselves.

  6. It makes me miss the beach. I need to go more often. It's a quiet place for me but one that is so important. I definitely need a perspective change.

    1. That's probably what most of us need - a bit of change in life and prioritize.

  7. Yes to rest. The past few months I've been letting myself slow down a little in my days, and it's been wonderful. It's amazing how much more productive I am when I've given myself time to recharge

    1. That is a good point! We are more productive if we allow ourselves a littel rest once and a while.

  8. My brain never rests! I am very guilty of it, always thinking about something, that's probably why I never sleep!

    1. That's not a good thing! But anyway we are all different and some of us don;t need that much of sleep. Try to rest every now and then!

  9. this is truly we all need a break !! i love you pictures !!


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