

Monday, May 9, 2016

I don't take selfies. Well, sometimes I try to take one or two when my friends want to see how my hair looks especially now that my hardresser is on maternity leave and I haven't bothered to look for a replacement for her. Luckily she cut and shortened my hair at least 20cm in January. Anyway, this is not about my hair but the power of selfies, and how people prefer to like pics presenting yourself especially in social media.

A friend of mine called me the other day saying that she had put a picture (which I had shot with a timer)on her Facebook page and tagged me on it. the funny thing was that in a short time it had a loads of likes, mostly my FB friends. I post something on FB almost on daily basis, but nobody seems to like them. But suddenly when there's my face out there everyone likes it. So weird! Have to admit  though that I like when people show their outfits or change their profile pics on social media. There must be something in those pictures that attracts us more than just seeing someone's living room, garden flowers or tee cup. Maybe. I do still like more non-human pics. It's just sometimes nice to see a face of a friend. And I don't intend to change my habbits - these are here the only selfies of me!

Oh, I know I should have organized the kitchen and been more aware what I was wearing! 

I don't see my own face that often - even though there are big mirrors around my home - so I don't really pay that much attention how I look. Now I can see that I shouldn't go out looking that natural. I'm not lazy with make-up. It's just that when you are far over 50, you feel that no matter how much you add it, it doesn't help you any more nor make you look better. I stopped wearing make-up a year ago. I used to have lash extensions which I loved but got allergic to those fixing clues. Adding mascara to my short lashes didn't have the same effect so I gave up. 

ps. after getting so many positive comments I realized that maybe I posted these selfies just to receive some compliments...



  1. I dont take selfies either. In my country (India) there have been at least 19 cases of death caused while taking selfies. the only time i took them were when i visited Madame Tussauds in London.

    1. Oh, yes, it can be dangerous - depending on the place where it's taken.

  2. You should definitely take selfies more often, you look great! And don't worry about the kitchen, I've seen selfie pro's with pigsty backgrounds. Great post, and I'm glad the likes you got on your pictures made you feel good.

  3. I am still shocked that you are well over 50! You look fabulous! I hope I look that good when I turn 50. I am not a huge fan of the whole selfie thing, sometimes I think it makes people look silly but you shouldn't be ashamed of posting pics of yourself.

    1. :D thanks, Jaime! I don't really need selfies of myself.

  4. You look fab you should definitely keep taking those selfies!

    1. Thank you, Freya :D I don't think I'm going to keep taking them :D

  5. I do take selfies...well I have to (and love to, I'm just honest) cos I'm a makeup artist and people love seeing my makeup looks. But I have to say that a love non-human pics a lot :)

    1. Oh yes, for you it's absolutely necessary to take selfies! Can't really show your work without them, but for me a pic of a chair tells more about my work than a selfie :)

  6. you look amazing! I kind of feel the same about selfies, I feel weird about pointing a camera my way... but at the same time, if you don't there wont be very many pix of you throughout your journey in life (when you're older you'll wish you took more selfies to look back on !) Embrace life and take lots of pix for the younger generations in your family... they'll have a better sense of who you are/ were!

    1. Yes, you have a point! There's no photos of me as I'm the one who usually takes all the pics. But it's also that I feel that nobody really needs pictures of me.

  7. Awwww nothing wrong with a selfie every now and then ;-) I'm Like you though and don't post too many. I don't really know why either... I guess it's something I don't think to post so I don't lol

  8. I am not really a selfie taker. In fact, I rarely have photos taken of me at all. Shoot, the last time anyone took my picture at a family Christmas was like 3 or 4 years ago. I am just not a photogenic person.

    1. I feel the same and I'm usually the one who takes the pics.

  9. I'm not much of a selfie-taker either! You should be proud of those photos though. You look awesome!

    1. Thanks :D For some people it's natural to take selfies, for me it's not.

  10. I am not a big selfie person either so I totally get it! You look amazing in those photos though so you shouldn't write them off!

    1. Thanks :D For some people it's natural to take selfies, but not for me. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's not so fond of them.

  11. I looove taking selfies when I think I look good. I never post them, but I like to look at them. HAHA maybe I am narcissistic? You should keep taking photos of yourself if you feel like it!

    1. :D great! Well, I don't feel like that, but I know al ot of people who love taking selfies and they look so good :)

  12. I love taking selfie's with my friends as I wan't to capture that moment forever. Even when I go on several trips, I prefer taking my selfie rather than asking help from any stranger to click my pictures!

    1. Selfies are an excellent option to capture moments, and especially if it comes naturally as I have seen you do :)

  13. I am not a big fan of selfies either..but i do try once in a while!lol! i think you look fabulous and u should definitely keep taking more just for the fun of it!:)

    1. :D thanks, but well... don't really feel like taking them.

  14. I know selfies get a bad rep but sometimes they make me feel more empowered and boost my self-confidence. You look lovely.

  15. People tend to react better when they see a picture with a "face" rather then on a picture without. That's because humans are attracted by "humanity", and that's one of the important rules a social media marketer knows. :P

    1. You are so right! I just noticed that, didn't realize it before.

  16. The only time I take selfies is if I'm travelling alone and want to get a photo with the background. You'll never catch me pouting like a lot of people. It's a great thing, but also feel that like others have said it can be so dangerous and everyones obsessed with getting the 'perfect selfie'

  17. I am not a fan of selfies. I just don't see the point. When you take selfies, you take away the beauty behind you. I'd rather take pictures of the things that surround me. - Allan Liwanag

  18. Kiitos kivasta kommentista blogiin ja täällä ollaan hiphurraa. Hei hienot selfiet, en osaa ottaa niitä lainkaan, hyvin haasteellista hommaa. En ole myöskään vielä oppinut miten saa selfien otettua peilin kautta, niin ettei luuri ole naaman edessä. :) Vastailen suomeksi vaikka muiden kommentoijien vuoksi olisi kenties kiva vastailla enkuksi. Aurinkoa päivään terkuin uusi keski-ikäinen lukijasi ja ai niin olet kaunis. <3

    1. Superkiitos, Tiia! Selfiet on niin haasteellisia ja just toi peilin kautta ottaminen ettei käsi tuu nassun eteen ja suhteettoman suureksi. Kiva kun vastasit suomeksi :)


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