Have you ever thought of coffee in cosmetics? I hadn't until lately when I found Phi Cosmetics. Phi is a Hungarian all natural & organic cosmetics brand. I have told about it before here.
Phi has a line called Pazar Cafe, where coffee is one of the ingredients. At the moment there are face cream, eye cream and body lotion in this collection.
I have now finished the whole bottle of Phi Pazar Cafe eye cream! Just loved it! The texture is light and perfect for applying eye contour area in the mornings. I'm not a coffee drinker but the smell of coffee is something which is hard to beat and this cream has just the right coffee flavour. So it's a great way to start a day. I also felt that this cream literally opened my eyes as it gave a fresh and a bit tightening feeling. Just a small drop from the bottle was enough, and it absorbed fast and easily.
Why to have coffee in cosmetics?
Coffee is used in cosmetics simple because of caffeine, and caffeine is that what gives us some extra boost. Caffeine absorbs through the skin as well, which was a big surprise for me. When caffeine is placed under the eye, it can help reduce puffiness and dark circles as they are caused by inflammation and poor circulation. Did you know that caffeine has a sun screen effect as well? It absorbs UVB rays when applied to the skin so it prevents burning.
Coffee (coffea arabiaca) is a rich source of antioxidants whether consumed as a beverage or applied to skin. Application can help restore skin and contribute to a healthier, smoother look and feel. It also appears to stimulate pathways in skin that lead to greater moisture retention.
Phi Pazar Cafe eye cream is definitely a must and so seems to be the face cream as well. I have still some left of it but can already say that it gives a great uplifting feeling and look too.
Other ingreadients used in Phi Pazar cafe eye cream are witch hazel water, cornflower water, rice oil, shea butter, grape seed oil, vitamin E, squalene, acmella, vitamin C and green tea.
If you became interested in trying it and adding to your morning beauty routines, you can order it here!
(the site is still only in Hungararian and the prces are in Hungarian forints!)
(FI)Oletko koskaan ajatellut kahvia kosmetiikassa? Itse en ollut ennenkuin vasta viime aikoina kun törmäsin Phi-kosmetiikkaan. Phi on unkarilainen luomukosmetiikkamerkki. Olenkin maininnut siitä jo vähän aikaisemmin täällä.
Phi'llä on kosmetiikkasarja nimeltään Pazar Cafe, jossa kahvi on yksi raaka-aineista. Tällä hetkellä sarjassa on kasvovoide, silmänynmpärysvoide sekä vartalovoide.
Olen juuri kuluttanut koko pullollisen Phi Pazae Cafen silmänympärysvoidetta. aivan ihana tuote! Koostumus on kevyt mutta ravitseva. Täydellinen tuote aamuisin silmänympärysiholle. En ole kahvinjuoja, mutta silti vastakeitetyn kahvin tuoksua on paha pistää paremmaksi ja tässä voiteessa on juuri oikea aromi. Loistava tuote aloittaa päivä.Tuntui myös että tämä voide kirjaimellisesti avasi silmät aamuisin sillä se antoi raikkaan ja hieman kiristävän tunteen. Pieni määrä pumppupullosta kerralla riitti hyvin ja se myös imeytyi helposti ja nopeasti.
Miksi käyttää kahvia kosmetiikassa?
Kahvia käytetään kosmetiikassa yksinkertaisesti kofeiinin takia ja kofeiini on juuri se aine joka piristää ja antaa extra boostia päivään. Kofeiini imeytyy myös ihn läpi. Tämä oli itselleni suuri yllätys. Kun kofeiinia levitetään silmän alle, se voi auttaa vähentämään turvotusta sekä tummia silmänalusia, sillä ne aiheutuvat tulehduksesta ja heikosta verenkierrosta. Tiesitkö muuten, että kofeiinilla on lisäksi aurinkosuojavaikutus? Se imee UVB-säteitä kun sitä levitetään iholle ja näin estää ihoa palamasta.
Kahvi (coffea arabiaca) on hyvä antioksidanttilähde niin juotuna kuin levitettynä iholle. Kahvi voi auttaa palauttamaan ihon kimmoisuuden ja näin iho tuntuu ja näyttää terveemmältä ja pehmeämmältä. Vaikuttaa lisäksi siltä, että kahvi stimuloi ihoa ja auttaa säilyttämään sen kosteuden.
Phi Pazar Cafe'n silmänympärysvoide on todellakin loistava ja niin tuntuu olevan myös sarjan kasvovoide. Sitä itselläni on vielä jonkun verran jäljellä, mutta jo nyt voin sanoa että se antaa ihanan piristävän tunteen ja iho näyttää sileämmältä.
Tässä vähän listaa muista Phi Pazar Cafe'n silmänympärysvoiteessa käytetyistä raaka-aineista: taikapähkinävesi, ruiskukkavesi, riisiöljy, shea-voi, viinirypäleen siemenöljy, E-vitamiini, skualeeni, acmella, vitamiini C ja vihreä tee.
Jos kiinnostuit sarjasta ja haluaisit lisätä tämän tuotteen aamuiseen kauneudenhoitorutiineihisi, voit tilata tuotteen täältä!
(sivusto on vielä ainoastaan unkariksi ja hinnat on unkarin forintteina!)
Actually it makes to have caffeine in make up. I got to get back to using the raw grounds. Thanks for the reminder! ~ Via Bella http://viabella-thebeautifullife.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, that sounds very good!
DeleteI use a good coffee scrub so I really like the sound of phi pazar cafe . How fab!
ReplyDeleteGreat! It never came to my mind that coffee could be one ingredient in beauty products.
DeleteI really love the fact that they have an organic eye cream product thats delicate on the skin. I must commend you on your photography too. It is beautiful styled shot :)
ReplyDeleteThis organic eye cream feels so gentle for hte eye area. Oh, thank you so much - I'm happy you like my photos :)
Deleteoh my, I can imagine how great that must smell! I love everything coffee, you could say I am a coffee addict. Now I wish this product was available here in the US, but it is still awesome, blessings!
ReplyDeleteIt will be soon available for you as well!
DeleteSounds like they know their coffee really well! I would love to try their coffee blends if I have the chance!
ReplyDeleteHopefully you will be able to enjoy coffee this way too :)
DeleteOh I love organic products.. and who doesn't love coffee, right? :)
ReplyDeleteThis seems like a must have!
Absolutely a must have!
DeleteYou find the most unique and interesting products! I did try a coffee scrub once but not make-up yet. But hey, it's a rich source of antioxidants so I'm all for it!
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, loads of good things in it including antioxidants!
DeleteThis is the first time i am hearing about phi...I have heard that coffee is a good source of antioxidants. this product sounds nice..have to try it sometime
ReplyDeleteHope you will be able to tey it asap! Wonderful product!
DeleteCoffe is cosmetics - thats'a an interesting idea. I wonder if it has the similar effects it does when consumed.
ReplyDeleteA bit similar I guess - gives some extra boost.
DeleteYes, I knew of coffee in face scrubs but looks like there are so many products out there! They definitely boost skin.
ReplyDeletexx, Kusum | www.sveeteskapes.com
For me using coffee in cosmetics was totally something new.
DeleteI am all for natural ingredients such as shea butter, grape seed oil + vitamin E. Simply because Im picky about what I put on my skin. =)
ReplyDeleteThat's great! We should all be a bit picky about what comes to skincare and eating as well.
DeleteI was just wondering if there were any DIY ways to use coffee grinds for skin care. Problem solved! Not I don't have to do a DIY and I can get all the benefits of caffeine.
ReplyDeleteOh yes! Phi is the answer! Have you checked their website? It will be in English in the near future.
DeleteCaffeine in make sounds very intriguing, not very popular here in India though. Do you know of any DIY mix recipes to try and see the effects on my skin before going for a more costlier branded cosmetic option
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I don't know any DIY recipes for beauty mix made of coffee. The prices are pretty affordable but perhaps the shipping costs to India make them a bit higher.