
Home Decor: Neutral Tones

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I was asked to decorate a receantly renovated flat with 2 bedrooms and a living/dining area. The place was meant to be rented out for 2 students coming to study in Budapest. I was told that the overall colour scheme should be light & neutral. There should be a lounge sofa and a round dining table in the common living/dining area, and bed, desk and wardrobe in the both bedrooms.

These are the moodboards I made for this flat. Picked up the pieces of furniture and decor items at Ikea,  Jysk, Bo Concept, Vakum Design, HM Home and Vivre - all available in Budapest.

Unfortunately they decided to continue without my help. I'm a bit curious to see how the flat will turn out - do they steel my ideas or make it totally with a different style. 

When you are styling and decorating an empty flat, which will be rented out fully-furnished, it's essential to know the potential target group and their needs. 


Sain pyynnön kalustaa vastarempatun asunnon 2 makuuhuonetta ja oleskelu/ruokailutila. Asunto oli tarkoitus vuokrata kalustettuna kahdelle Budapestiin tulevalle opiskelijalle. Briiffauksessa kerrottiin, että värityksen tulisi olla vaalea ja neutraali, kalusteiksi haluttiin sohva divaaniosalla, pyöreä ruokapöytä ja makuuhuoneisiin sängyt, kirjoituspöydät ja vaatekaapit.

Tässä osa tekemistäni tunnelmakartoista. Kaikki käyttämäni kalusteet ja sisustuskamat löytyvät Ikeasta, Jyskistä, Bo Conceptista, HM Homesta ja täällä Unkarissa toimivista Vakum Designista sekä Vivrestä.

Valitettavasti toimeksiantaja päättikin toteuttaa sisustusprojektin yksin. Nyt vähän jännittää miltäköhän asunto loppupeleissä näyttää ja ovatko käyttäneet sisustuksessa mun ideoitani vai tehneet siitä täysin erilaisen.

Kun stailataan tyhjä asunto, joka on tarjoitus vuokrata kalustettuna, on ensiarvoisen tärkeää tietää mikä on potentiaalinen kohderyhmä ja kohderyhmän tarpeet.

I have a pretty strong sense of style and know what I can deliver. Sometimes the ideas of a designer and a client just don't match. Then it's better to give up than bang your head on the wall and deliver something you can't be proud of.


Mulla on aika vahva tyylitaju ja tiedän tarkalleen mitä osaan. Joskus sisustussuunnittelijan ideat ja asiakkaan toiveet eivät vaan kohtaa. Silloin on parempi luovuttaa kuin lyödä päätä seinään ja kalustaa sellainen sekametelisoppa, josta ei voi itse olla ylpeä.

Btw, here's a moodboard with some green accents click click!


Täältä muuten löytyy yksi tunnelmakartta höystettynä vihreällä, klik klik!


  1. Its a shame they decided to do it by themselves, Id have loved to see the finished thing! I love your board though, the colours look so fresh and light and would make any room feel lovely and clean.

  2. Indeed the neutral tones look fascinating, I myself believe in neutral colours for my home decor. Your client should have used your services to get that finished look for sure.

  3. Oh how beautiful your ideas are, I'm sorry your client decided to do it themselves! Your ideas are wonderful, you are more than welcome to come and do our home, hehe. xx

  4. I love all the ideas and choosing neutral shades means that you can add pop of colour as and when you need it but still have a minimalistic look.

  5. I am sorry to hear that your client decided to not go ahead. Its such a shame because I think that you did a wonderful job and I love the sofa x

  6. Am sorry about that. Did you charge them for a consulting fee? You must! At least if the project wont push through, you still got paid for the consultation.

  7. Awesome work. Cant understand why anyone would not go ahead with that! Its amazing!

  8. You did a wonderful job. They missed out on your work. But don't let it get you down. With your talent there will be many more jobs for you

  9. I am sure that you will get the flat to look the way that you want it to. You seem to have a good idea of style before hand. Hope everything goes well with the flat.

  10. neutral colors are easy on the eyes and are easy to pair with other items, that way you can have accent pops of color on pillows and other random things that you can easily switch out to give the area a new look... love your ideas, surly are nice!

  11. I was looking for ideas for home decor and I am sure these tips will help me out to decide how to do it.

  12. Ohh I love this, I am in love with that rug, where did you source it?


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