
Bio Manicure In Budapest

Sunday, October 8, 2017


There is a bio cosmetic chain in Budapest called Bio hajvagó szalon (organic hair cut salon). The services include also beauty treatments, manicure & pedicure. Found it a fantastic idea, and as they adviertise that there's no need to book an appoinment in advance, I decided to give it a try and stepped into one of their salons for manicure 2 weeks ago. 

I was so curious to have an organic manicure. What would it be like? What kind of products would be used? How would it differ from a non-organic manicure? 

Bio = organic
Organic means working with nature. The products have organically farmed ingredients. 

I was expecting nourising oils, gentle removal of cuticles, filing nails into natural shape. Well, didn't go exactly that way, not at all. The manicure was a very standard one. Nothing was organic. Decided go for Shellack as it was available.  

Even though the manicurist was not the most kind and service-orientated girl, and used pretty harsh maneuvers, the end result was nice and long-lasting. Now after two weeks my nails still look quite nice and Shellack hasn't chapped or peeled-off.

So if you are in Budapest and need a manicure, this is an option, but do not expect anything natural.

shellack manicure

Budapestissa on bio-kampaamoketju nimeltään Bio hajvagó szalon, jossa on tarjolla myös kasvohoitoja sekä manikyyriä ja pedikyyriä. Mahtava idea, johon päätin tarttua varsinkin, kun mainostavat ettei aikaa tarvitse varata etukäteen. Kaksi viikkoa sitten tepastelin sisälle yhteen salongeista kokeillakseni luomumanikyyriä. 

Olin todella utelias tietämään mitäköhän tämä luomumanikyyri pitää sisällään. Millaisia tuotteita siinä käytetään? Miten se eroaa tavallisesta manikyyristä? 

Bio = luomu
Luomulla tarkoitetaan luonnollista, jossa mahdollisimman vähän haitallisia menetelmiä ja tuotteita ihmiselle ja luonnolle

Odotusarvo oli, että tässä manikyyrissä käytettäisiin ravitsevia öljyjä, kynsinauhojen poisto olisi hellävaraista ja kynnet viilattaisiin luonnollisen muotoisiksi. Ihan näin ei asia sitten ollutkaan. Manikyyri osoittautui ihan tavalliseksi kynsihoidoksi. Mikään ei ollut luomua. Päätinkin sitten ottaa Shellack-lakkauksen kun sitä kerran oli tarjolla.  

Vaikka hoidon tehnyt tyttö ei ollut kovin ystävällinen saati sitten asiakaspalveluhenkinen ja käytti melko kovakouraisia otteita, oli lopputulos kuitenkin ihan hyvä. Nyt kaksi viikkoa lakkauksen jälkeen, kynnet näyttävät vielä ihan hyviltä eikä Shellack ole lohkeillut.

Ihan ok vaihtoehto, jos olet Budapestissa ja kynnet kaipaavat huoltoa, mutta älä odota mitään luonnonmukaista käsittelyä.

organic manicure

I actually got an answer from Gergő Kiss at Bio Hair Hajvágószalon. It was great that he explained the idea behind this chain.

"The goal of the very first salon was the hairdressing without prior appointment and working with natural products. In our network we work with private label shampoos ans conditioners containing natural active ingredients. These products are paraben, SLES and GMO free and available in four different kind of fruity aroma in our salons.
After a few years we had to follow the demands, because people living in Budapest really needed beauty treatments, manicure and pedicure without booking an appointment.
Our main profile is still the hairdressing, so the cosmetics and manicure are additional services."

This is so true - in Budapest you usually need to wait for several days sometimes even weeks to have your appointment.

Here's a link to an absolutely more organic manicure!


Tässä linkki paljon luonnonmukaisempaan manikyyriin Helsingissä!


  1. I prefer skin tone/nude color of nail polish just like the last picture shown in your post. I don't go on salon for manicure because my husband's cousin always do my mani and pedi twice a month.

  2. Interesting the way that the name of a place can mislead us into thinking we're getting something we're not. A good cautionary tale!

  3. I really love playing with nail paints and getting manicure done in salon is def so awesome! I really loved the fact that they gave organic services.
    Ps. Waiting for appointments is really tiring, ikr

  4. Thanks for posting the review. I'm sure people visiting Budapest will find it useful

  5. This is really cool, I believe everything organic will be the trend in the future!

  6. Oh this sounds great! I've never heard of a bio manicure before but it looks great, I love a nude manicure.

  7. I haven't tried the organic polishes or spa products. I bet I will fall in love with them when I do.

  8. I made my wife read your blog and she love the products you used.

  9. This will be a great options for nail art lover. Putting an organic polish is not only eco-friendly but also healthier for our nails. I always love the nude color / polish, it blends well on my complexion.

  10. I have never heard of organic nail polish but would definitely give it a try. I'm always up for anything which is natural, eco-friendly as well as skin-friendly!


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