
Health Benefits Of MSM Powder

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The taste is not nice, but I've been adding to a glass of water some MSM powder for a week now. 

Are you familiar with MSM powder?

MSM is a shortening of Methylsulfonylmethane, an organic form of sulfur, which is the third most abundant mineral in the human body. Sulfur is contained in muscular tissue, skin and bones. Nails and hair primary consist of a tough protein with a high sulfur content, known as keratin. It also contains collagen which keeps the skin elastic.

Health benefits of MSM

Improves skin health & complexion
Improves flexibility
Detoxifies the body
Strenghtens nails and hair
Accelerates healing
Naturally increases energy

It's recommended to start with a 1/2 tsp of MSM taken along with water. Gradually you can increase your intake up to 2 tsp. The white powder is odourless but the taste is very bitter, so it's good to drink a lot of water with it.

Yet I haven't noticed any difference in my energy levels nor in the condition of my nails, hair & skin nor in my flexibility, but as I mentioned I've only taken MSM for one week now, so let's see what is the situation after a month or two.

(FI) Ei todellakaan mitään hyvänmakuista, mutta olen silti lisännyt lasilliseen vettä MSM-jauhetta nyt viikon ajan.

Onko MSM-jauhe sinulle tuttu?

MSM on lyhenne metyylisulfonyylimetaanista, joka on orgaanista rikkiä, jota puolestaan on kolmanneksi eniten ihmisen kropassa. Rikkiä on lihaskudoksissa, ihossa ja luustossa. Kynnet ja hiukset koostuvat pääosin suuria määriä rikkiä sisältävästä proteiinista, joka tunnetaan keratiinina. Rikissä on myös kollageenia, joka puolestaan ylläpitää ihin elastiinisuutta. 

MSM:n terveysvaikutukset

Edistää ihon terveyttä ja sävyä
Edistää kehonnotkeutta
Puhdistaa kehoa
Vahvistaa kynsiä ja hiuksia
Nopeuttaa paranemisprosessia
Lisää luonnollisella tavalla energiatasoa
Anti-inflammatorinen (tulehduksia vastaan)

Suositusten mukaan kannattaa aloittaa sekoittamalla 1/2 tl MSM-jauhetta veteen. Vähitellen annostusta voi nostaa jopa 2 teelusikalliseen. Valkoinen jauhe on hajutontan, mutta maistuu kitkerältä, joten sen kanssa kannattaa juoda vettä oikein kunnolla.

En ole vielä huomannut mitään eroa kynsien ja hiusten kunnossa enkä kropan liikkuvuudessa enkä myöskään energiatasossa. Mutta kuten jo mainitsin olen käyttänyt MSM:ää vasta viikon ajan, joten eiköhän tilanne toivon mukaan muutu kuukauden tai parin päästä.


  1. I don't mind if it has a funny taste as long as it helps my skin look better and my body feel better. It sounds fab x

    1. That's how I feel as well - if it can really help the taste doesn't matter.

  2. This is one of the many things I plan on starting! I just started Magnesium last night. I am introducing one Vitamin/Mineral I am lacking and needing every couple of weeks (or month) that way my body gets used to it first.

    1. That's exactly how it should be started - step by step adding those vitamin and minerals so the body can get used to every product.

  3. I've never heard of this powder before, I need to even just get into the habit of actually taking my vitamin tablets everyday x

    1. It is funny how easy it is to forget to take a couple of pills daily. i have every week days that I have skipped my dose of vitamins etc - shouldn't be that hard :)

  4. Wow! Sounds interesting! This is the first time that I've heard of that powder, I can't believe that we can benefit so much from it! I love that it can help strengthen nails as well.

    1. I don't know wat my nails are lacking of, this is my last hope to get them nice again!

  5. Haven't heard of MSM until now. I was surprised to read about the benefits you can get by having half a teaspoon of it daily. I guess you have to wait though to reap the effects. Please keep us posted about how MSM worked for you.

    1. I will keep you all posted how this goes on! I really need all these benefits to come reality!

  6. never heard of this before, wonder why? Sounds pretty interesting, and well - I agree with other commenters, the health benefits outweigh taste issues. Taking pills when you are sick is no fun either, so I'd rather take something that taste funny but keeps me healthy - blessings!

    1. It was totally new for me as well but saw it in the local health store and as it was on discount I decided to have a go :)

  7. Se manifique! Loved the photo journal and descriptions.
    belíssima fotografia.

    1. Oh, thank you so much! It makes me so happy when people like my photos :)

  8. I didn't know about MSM but it sounds like an amazing product! I'll check this out at Walgreen.

    1. That's what it is - amazing. Hope you'll find it at Walgreen's :)

  9. Never heard of MSM but definitely will look more into it. Thanks.

  10. I've never heard of this before, so this is very interesting to me! That's amazing it has all those health benefits. It sounds great!

    1. I had't heard about it either before I saw it at my local health store. It sounded so interesting that I decided give it a go!

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