
Raw Chocolate With Collagen

Thursday, October 13, 2016

(EN) Everyone knows I'm a chocoholic. (pssst. if you didn't know that, check this!) So I believe you can imagine how happy I became when I found Beauty Chocolate! Yes, that's true - it does exist! Egoboost Beauty Chocolate has collagen in it. The chocolate is made of cocoa beans, palm sugar, cocoa butter and fish collagen. It's made in Finland by holistic natural beauty company called Supermood.

Why collagen?
Collagen is a protein that moisturizes, firms and builds up the skin. The body's natural collagen production declines with age and many modern lifestyle factors like stress, poor diet etc can also decrease the body's ability to make it.
While collagen is beneficial for the entire body, it's most noticeable beneficial to the skin. That's because when a person ages the outer layer of skin (epidermic) thins and looses elasticity. This means more signs of aging and wrinkles.
The good news is that these changes don't seem to be permanent. So by taking supplemental collagen, the body's own collagen production will be improved and that means less wrinkles.

I can't think of better way to stop aging than eating collagen chocolate. Yummy!

(FI) Kaikki tietävät että olen armoton suklaan syöjä, todellinen 'chocoholic'. (psst. jos et vielä tiennyt sitä, käy kurkkaamassa täällä!) Tämän tietäen pystyt varmaan kuvittelemaan kuinka iloinen olin kun löysin kauneussuklaata! Kyllä, tämä on totta - sitä on olemassa! Egoboost Beauty Chocolate sisältää kollageenia. Suklaa on valmistettu kaakaopavuista, kookospalmusokerista, kaakaovoista ja kalakollageenista. Se on tehty Suomessa ja valmistajana on luonnolliseen kauneuteen panostava Supermood.

Miksi kollageeni?
Kollageeni on proteiini, joka kosteuttaa, kiinteyttää ja rakentaa ihoa. Kehon oma kollageenin tuotanto vähenee iän myötä. Myös nykyinen stressaava elämäntapa sekä huono ruokavaliovoivat laskea kehon kykyä tuottaa kollageenia. 
Vaikka kollageeni on tarpeellinen koko elimistölle, näkyvät sen edut sekä puute selvemmin ihossa. Tämä johtuu siitä kun ihminen vanhenee, ihon pintakerros (epidermis) ohenee ja menettää kimmoisuutensa.  Tämä puolestaan lisää ikääntymisen merkkejä ja ryppyjä.
Hyvä uutinen on se, että tällaiset muutokset eivät välttämättä ole pysyviä. Lisäämällä ravintoon kollageenia, kehon oma kollageenin valmistus paranee ja rypyt pienenevät. 

Voiko olla miellyttävämpää tapaa pysäyttää vanheneminen kuin syödä kollageenia sisältävää suklaata? Nami!

 (EN) The size of the package (50g) is perfect - not too small, not too big. I'm used to eat 200g in one go, but when it comes to raw chocolate smaller amount is ideal.

(FI) Pakkausen koko (50g) on just sopiva - ei liian pieni eikä iso. Olen tottunut vetämään kerralla 200g suklaata, mutta raaka-suklaassa   pienempi annos on ihanteellinen.

(EN) If you can't find Egoboost Beauty Chocolate at your local store, you can order it here!

Eat yourself pretty!

(FI) Jos  Egoboost Beauty Chocolate ei löydy lähikauppasi hyllyltä voit tilata sitä täältä

Syö itsesi kauniiksi!

Supermood beauty products now available at SpaceNK.
Free worldwide shipping for orders over £100.


  1. This has got to be the cleverest thing I have ever heard! I love chocolate as well and as for eat yourself pretty, I am on to it.

  2. This is really cool! Chocolate with some added benefits sounds good to me. What an awesome combo.

  3. This is so interesting! I absolutely love this idea! I love some good chocolate and when it has added benefits that is even better.

    1. I was so happy when I first heard of this! It's a fantastic combo!

  4. Finally, a chocolate that people won't make you feel guilty for eating! I think it's awesome that we have something like this to help fight the signs of aging. I would love to get myself a bar!

    1. Exactly! No need to be guilty while enjoying a piece of chocolate - or a whole plate :D

  5. Yes please! Where can I get this? lol How have I not heard of this?

    1. You can find it from their web site! Just click the link below the last pic of the post :)

  6. So long as the fish collagen doesn't make it taste fishy, this sounds right up my street! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Fish collagen doesn't give any fish flavour to it :)

  7. Wow I wish I could eat it but sadly I am a veggie, still it is amazing that they have put collagen in to make your skin look good.

    1. Oh no, you have to skip this wonderful chocolate :(

  8. Very interesting and for me personally - this information can be helpful and I need to try it out!!! Thank you so so much for this article!!!!!

    1. You're welcome! Great that you found this useful for yourself :)

  9. I love chocolates too! Though I'm a LITTLE freaked out by eating collagen. How does it taste? Does it taste just like normal chocolates?

    1. It does taste like normal dark chocolate and have a nice flavour - not a fishy one at all!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. what an awesome idea!! I've definitely got to find some of this 👌

    1. This is an awesome idea! Go and check Supermoods website!

  12. This is a great idea, to put collage inside chocolate! Who doesn't love chocolate? And the raw one is also healthy for you (eaten in moderation, of course).

    1. I need to keep that in my mind - eaten in moderation :D

  13. I only found out about this idea now but it looks pretty clever!

    1. It is such a clever idea! You should try this chocolate!


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