
Getting Rid Of All That Clutter

Sunday, October 4, 2015

 So it was the time of the year last Friday! Time to get rid of all your clutter in Budapest style. This even is called "lomtalanitas" and you can toss all that unwanted and unnecessary items from your home straigh on the street. It goes district by district once a year and last Friday it was turn for my neighbourhood.

I've been living in Budapest for ages but every year the same thing - I can't help wondering where all this shit comes from year after year.

More about lomtalanitas from the previous years here  and here 


  1. Hyvä että laitoit kommentin niin löysin tänne! Sulla on uusi nimi blogille! Voi että mä niin tykkään amerikkalaisista sisustuslehdistä ja muutenkin heidän kodeistaan! Mä en saa niitä täältä mistään :(
    Mukavaa sunnuntaita! Karmeen näköistä nuo kadut sun kulmilla. Siellähän voi päästä hengestään kun taivaalta putoaa tavaraa...

    1. Älä muuta sano, Sofia! Siis noihin molempiin - amerikkalaiset kodit on niin upeita ja aivan karseen näköisiä nää mun kotikulmat, tosin toi karmee kaaos kestää onneksi vaan yhden päivän, heti seuraavana aamuna tulee siivouspartio ja kadut taas normalisoituu. Joo, vaihdoin nimen ja osoitteen vähän sisustuspainotteisemmaksi - kiva että löysit tänne! Mulla olikin jo ikävä sua:)

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, that's so unbelievable! Luckily happens only once a year!

  3. How interesting that there's an actual day for it! And yes, when we're cleaning up and de-cluttering we always wonder where all this stuff came from too!

  4. It is unbelievable and yes yearly we do all this sand we will see the same stuff came from too. Almost the most things are same.

  5. I had no idea that there is a specfic day to throw out your clutter, we should definitely follow the Budapest principles because it sounds like they have the right idea.

  6. As soon as I read the title of your post when I opened your page I said, out loud, "oh GOD"... because I need to declutter! I can't believe all of that is allowed on the street! Wow! I have never seen anything like it!

  7. I never knew that there was a specific day for this! I need to declutter too!

  8. Oh my thats a lot of clutter. But its interesting to know there is a specific day to declutter them. I think I need to fix something like that with my personal belongings as well.

  9. Never heard about lomtalanitas before but it sounds like an amazing practice to de-clutter all unwanted stuff from home once a year!

  10. Wow this is amazing. Way to de-clutter. I feel bad for the clean up crew. If they did that over here, it would be one big mess on the street wow. I'm all for garage sales ;) although I can see how this day makes for easy housecleaning ;)

  11. Wowzerz. That is pretty interesting and good thing, once a year is all you have to deal with this. Good idea tho. Thanks for sharing.


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