
Rid Of Cellulite?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I've been a heavy user of different anti-cellulite products for ages. Do they really work? Well... Do I believe in them? Well, yes! I believe I would have even more cellulite without using them.
Last month I tried a totally new anti-cellulite product, at least it was new for me. An Italian sea water and alga product called GUAM.
It's a kind of clay, so it's a bit messy to use.
You massage it on to the problem areas and cover it with a cling wrap and leave it for 45mins.

It feels effective as it gives a warm and kind of tickling feeling. And the smell is strong yet pleasant. After 45mins unwrap and clean the paste with luke warm water. Use moisturizing lotion afterwards.
The treatment should be followed for 4 weeks so that first 2 weeks you use it for 4 times/week and the last 2 weeks twice a week. And after that it's recommended to use once a week. Unfortunately I had only one jar, which lasted 2 weeks...   
Did I see any improvement? Not in 2 weeks. But I still think it was better than nothing.


  1. Kyllä minäkin uskon näihin juttuihin ja uskon myös liikunnan voimaan, liikkuessa iho kiinteytyy jo itsestään! Eli voidellaan ja liikutaan!!

  2. Mä luulen, että selluliitti on usealle aika "arka" aihe. Hienoa, että otit puheeksi.
    Myönnän, että itse olen alistunut tilanteeseen, vaikka ei pitäisi. Kyllä mä tästä vielä...
    Mun "selluliittiajatukseni" idea on ruokavaliossa. Se pitäisi saada kohdilleen.

    1. Totta! Onhan se selvää ettei se millään voiteilla lähde, ainakaan pelkästään. Ruokavalio ja liikunta ovat varmasti avainsanat.

  3. This seems like a promising product! I have been looking for a skin tightening solution for a while now, but I am not sure about the mineral bath. Is it something that you have ever heard of, or would try using? TIA


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