
Glutenfree Oat Muffins

Sunday, September 18, 2016

(EN) It's a tricky question whether a glutenfree person can eat oats or not. I haven't been eating oat as it's a grain such as wheat, rye and barley, and those are the main ingredients you are suppose to leave from your diet. 
Just receantly I heard that there are glutenfree oat as well. Actually pure oat itself doesn't contain gluten instead it has avenins, which is a more tolerable protein. 
The problem with oat is the contamination. If it's processed in facilities that also process wheat, rye or barley. Contamination can also happen in the field, when oat is grown side by side with wheat. Yet there might be persons who are sensitive also for oats - not matter whether there's glutein or not.


(FI) Voiko gluteenitonta ruokavaliota noudattava henkilö syödä kauraa? Hieman hankala kysymys. Itse en ole syönyt kauraa, koska se kuuluu kotimaisiin viljalajikkeisiin kuten vehnä, ruis ja ohra. Nämähän kaikki ovat juuri ne ruokavaliosta pois jätettävät viljat.
Ihan tässä lähiaikoina kuulin, että on olemassa gluteenitonta kauraa. Itseasiassa puhtaassa kaurassa itsessään ei ole gluteenia ollenkaan ja elimistö sietää sen proteiinia helpommin.
Kauran ongelmana on sen kontaminaatio eli siihen sekoittuva ulkopuolinen tuote kuten vaikka juuri gluteeni. Mikäli kauraa käsitellään samoissa tiloissa kuin vehnää, ruista tai ohraa, siihen tarttuu tai saattaa tarttua gluteenia. Tällaista "saastumista" saattaa esiintyä myös jo pellolla, mikäli kaurapelto on vehnäpellon vieressä.
Kaikista varotoimista huolimatta joku saattaa olla yliherkkä myös kauralle oli siinä sitten gluteenia tai ei.

(EN)I got a package of pure oats to test and made some glutenfree muffins. As much as I love chocolate and sweets I don't want to add any sugar to my food, so I was looking for sugar free version as well. It was a bit too difficult to find so I modified the recipes I found.

Glutenfree oat muffins

3 cups oat flakes
2 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoon almond flour
2 bananas
3 eggs
0,3 cup soya milk
2 teaspoon cinnamon powder

Put the bananas, eggs and soua milk into a blender for a few seconds. Mix the baking powder and almond flour. Then add the oat, mixture of baking powder & almond flour and cinnamon to the blender for a few seconds. 

I used paper muffin cups but if you have a muffin pan that's even better. As the batter became rather runny I decided to put two layers of paper cups before pouring the batter.
You can add blueberries or what ever you want. I wanted to try first just these plain ones. 

Bake the muffins in 200C/392F for 15mins.

The muffins came out pretty delicious and so quilt-free!


Sain paketillisen puhdasta kauraa testattavaksi ja tein siitä pellillisen gluteenittomia kauramuffineja. Niin paljoin kuin tykkäänkin suklaata ja karkeista en halua lisätä sokeria valmistamiini ruokiin. Etsiskelin sokeritonta vaihtoehtoa, mutta se soittautuikin melko hankalaksi ja päätin modifioida löytämiäni reseptejä.

Gluteenittomat kauramuffinit

3dl kaurahiutaleita
2tl leivinjauhetta
2 rkl mantelijauhoa
2 banaania
 3 kananmunaa
0,5dl soijamaitoa
2tl jauhettua kanelia

Laita banaanit, kananmunat j soijamaito blenderiin muutamaksi sekunniksi. Sekoita leivinjauhe ja mantelijauho keskenään. Lisää blenderiin kaurahiutaleet, leivinjauhe-mantelijauhoseos ja kaneli muutamaksi sekunniksi.

Käytin paperisia vuokia, mutta vielä parempi olisi ollut muffinipelti. Taikinastatuli aika löysää, joten laitoin kaksi paperivuokaa päällekkäin ennen kuin kaadoin taikinan vuokiin.
Joukkoon voisi lisätä esim. mustikoita, mutta halusin tehdä tämän kokeiluni mahdollisimman simppelisti.

Paista muffinit 200C asteess noin 15 minsaa.

Muffinit onnistuivat mielestäni hyvin ja olivat jopa herkullisia ja niitähän voi terveellisyyden takia useammankin saman tien.

(EN) Where to get pure glutenfree oat?
I would go to a special natural food store. I found out that in Budapest the best place is MentesNasi. They really know what they are selling and you can ask for advice. The service there is really good, and you can order online as well.


(FI) Mistä löytää puhdasta gluteenitonta kauraa?
Itse menisin luontaistuotteisiin ja erityisruokavalioihin erikoistuneeseen liikkeeseen. Pienen etsiskelyn jälkeen olen löytänyt mielestäni Budapestin parhaan tällaisen kaupan - MentesNasin. Siellä todella tiedetään myytävinä olevista tuotteista ja heiltä voi kysyä neuvoa. Palvelu pelaa ja tuotteita voi tilata myös netin kautta suoraan kotiin.


  1. These look great and I love that they don't have sugar. I would just swap the soya milk for another kind of milk if I make them.

    1. I like it too that there's no sugar needed. I think in the original recipe there was cow's milk used but I swapped it to soya one.

  2. I am also still confused with some of the gluten free food items that we have available but it's good to have recipes like this. I love muffins as they are filling and perfect for busy mornings! Thanks for the recipe!

  3. I don't have a gluten-free diet but I'm happy that there are lots of gluten-free options now for people who are. And delicious too!

    1. Just a couple of years ago there was almost nothing in glutenfree versions but nowadays it's pretty easy to find them.

  4. Oh I bet I'd like these a lot. I actually didn't know that oats could have gluten from being processed in wheat and barley facilities.

    1. It seems that oat is pretty sensitive and might get gluten from its surrounding.

  5. I don't normally eat anything gluten free but wow do these look amazing! I might end up trying to make these this weekend!

    1. :D These are quite good for persons who want guilt free option ;)

  6. I just learned recently that oat is actually gluten free. I can live with gluten in my life but it would be nice to have meals and recipes that are gluten free, it's quite healthy especially for the kids.

    1. I don't think gluten makes any harm if you're not sensitive for it. It makes my stomach really painful so I had to drop it from my diet.

  7. Guilt free muffins? Count me in! I'd love to try them out, especially that they contain banana in the batter. I would add blueberries, I love blueberries muffins!

    1. That's what I heard - guilt free :D So it didn't take me long to finish the whole plate of them.

  8. I love oat muffins for breakfast as they really fill me up. I baked some of my own the other day but I should try this gluten free version some day too :)

    1. I ate all of them in aday, almost. Planned to make some more this evening but forgot to go to the grocery's in time...

  9. Gluten free still eludes me. I'm not sure I'd ever be able to be fully gluten free. Luckily, it's not a health necessity for me.

    1. Gluten is ok for people who are not too sensitive for it so feel gree to eat & enjoy all grain products :)

  10. I was looking for a new muffin recipe and here I got it! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Can't wait to try this weekend!

    1. Great! I'm happy if this washelpful for you :)

  11. muffins are great fun to eat , and glutenfree ones are cute to make a must have ...

  12. Another recipe from you that I have to try. i tried the cauliflower fries and I had to do it 3 times to get it

  13. I like to eat muffin for breakfast, and banana is one of my favourites ingredients in the batter. I don't eat gluten free cake or cookie, but this recipe is so delicious, and healthy that I'll give a try.

  14. I just love Muffins, so yummy and delicious and go well with tea and as snacks. But you made it awesome by giving it a healthy twist.

  15. awesome recipe, sounds delicious, I've got to try this!

  16. I have a friend who is celiac and can't have gluten so these oat muffins would be perfect for her. Looks tasty xx


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