
Woodbury Common

Sunday, November 10, 2013

 The program for Friday was clear: outlet shopping.
We missed to book a car to pick us up at the hotel so we headed to Port Authority bus terminal at 42nd St & 8th Ave. Even though we planned to leave early, the time just went too fast and we missed the shuttle bus...Finally at 10.15am we got started. The journey to Woodbury Common took about an hour. 
The outlet is huge with 220 shops including high-end designer stores to Saks Fifth Off, Barney's, Neiman Marcus Last Call to Gap etc. it's an outdoor mall with five different sections.  

 Some of the shops were packed like Tory Burch, Michael Kors and Coach, but some were pretty empty of customers like Tom Ford, Fendi, La Perla and Carolina Herrera. That tells a bit of the main outlet clientele. 
You get a booklet with extra discount coupons at the information desk.
No heavy shopping for me this time. Hadn't anything special in my mind so basically I was just browsing for 6 hours...

Everything went pretty well there. Not so many cafes or other places around to eat. At Starbucks the queue was constantly long. Anyway had something small to fill me up. At 5pm all four of us were ready to leave and go back to the city. Except that it wasn't so easy...there were already hundreds of people queuing for the bus back to New York City. The weather was cold and windy, and we had to lined for around 1,5h. Not pleasant at all. So if you plan to go there book a car in advance to take & pick up you.

I'll come back to the actual bargains soon... 


  1. Woodbury on kyllä hauska paikka ja laakso & miljöö on jotenkin kaunis ja kodikas. Mutta joo, yleensä tuo paluumatka vie aina enemmän aikaa ja busseja menee vähän miten sattuu... Siinä alkaa helposti ahdistaa, kun jono kasvaa eikä bussia näy.

    1. Totta, kauniit maisemat! Upeat värit puissa. Ahdisti kylla se jonottaminen bussiin...

  2. Olin pari vuotta sitten Woodburyssa. Joitain ostoksia tein, mutta en kauheati ihastunut. Ehkä 42 C helteellä oli asian kanssa jotain tekemistä... Hikisenä, kuumissaan ja janoisena ei paljoa tehnyt mieli sovitella vaatteita. En olisi Manhattanilta erikseen lähtenyt outletteihin, mutta paluumatka Hudsonista kulki suoraan Woodburyn ohi, joten "pakkohan" siellä oli pysähtyä.

    1. Joo, vähän sama juttu, tosin toisin päin, ei kauheen kiva kun jäätävä tuuli tuiversi. Unkarin ja Itävalla rajalla oleva Parndorfin outlet on oikeastaan aika hyvä:)

  3. Did Longchamp have any sales?


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