
Budapest Tips Part 2

Thursday, April 19, 2012

 In Hungary there are no euros yet.
The Hungarian currency is called forint (ft or huf)
In some places you might be able to pay in euros, 
but don't count on it.
Today's exchange rate is 1 euro = 296 huf,
so the simplest way to convert the currency is
 1 euro = 300 huf.
The  easiest way to get some forints is 
by withdrawing them at ATM already at the airport.
In most of the places you can pay by card,
including taxis.

 Some of the street and square names have been changed recently,
so don't get confused!

 For early-birds and retro-lovers
Ecseri piac on Saturday mornings is a great place to visit.
It's a bit far, but bus 54 from Boraros ter takes you there.

Falk Miksa utca in V.district is the antique row of Budapest
with small-ish shops full of pieces of furniture, 
great gift ideas, jewellery etc.

 Near Falk Miksa utca there's Culinaris gourmet store
on Balassi Balint utca 7.
If the weather is warm and sunny,
buy a basket full of delicacies 
and head to Margit Island for picnic! 

The Great Market Hall, kozponti vasarcsarnok, 
on Fovam ter 1 is a must for all foodies!

In Budapest there are plenty of different taxi companies
all with different prices, and all totally legal.
As a long-time user of City Taxi (tel: 211 1111)
can highly recommend it,
and also Fo Taxi (tel:222 2222), which operates 
the transportations from/to the airport
has been working without unpleasant surprises.


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