
Gourmet Palace

Sunday, December 18, 2011

 There's a new Szamos cafe
called Gourmet Palace
in the newly renovated gorgeous building
(built in 1915) at Vorosmarty ter.
 Beautifully renovated
respecting the old style
and the character of the building.
 The place is for lunch, coffee and cakes
and there's a chocolate shop too.

Not only chocolate is sold there
but also other Hungarian delicacies
such as paprika powder, jams, Tokaji wines
and some Herend porcelain.
 Szamos is famous for its marzipan.

The former savings bank building
will host a department store
in the near future,


  1. Hello Tibs

    I am Erika from TravelerVoice, a new social network for travel bloggers.

    I just found your blog and I really like how you described your stories in Hungary with beautiful pictures and assertive comments! It's exactly the kind of writing we are looking for our Living abroad section, so please feel free to register :)

    I am looking forward to hearing from you :)


  2. Thanks, Erika! Great idea!

    I just registered to Travelvoice!


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